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 Work Panasonic AG-AC90 60p AVCHD with iMovie/FCE? 
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Post Work Panasonic AG-AC90 60p AVCHD with iMovie/FCE?
Convert Panasonic AG-AC90 AVCHD to AIC MOV

"I am looking for a product to convert my Panasonic AG-AC90 1080p 60p .MTS files to a format to edit in iMovie 11. Do you have a product that will allow me to do this?"

How to easily work Panasonic AG-AC90 60p AVCHD with iMovie/FCE without any issues? That's the quite important point that we should learn to solve the questions mentioned above. Panasonic AG-AC90 is a professional AVCCAM HD camcorder, combining the high image quality, advanced functions and easy operation in a stylish, easy-to-handle design. While for editing in iMovie and FCE, why not get more details on the best supported formats for iMovie/FCE?


On the other hand, as we all know that the iMovie is popular video authoring tool to edit video clips from camcorder on Mac. iMovie 11 is the latest version, with it you can import video clips from external devices or from anywhere else. The problem is you often get errors from iMovie when importing some raw MTS files to iMovie as same as others likeMXF or MP4 etc.

Any good solutions to make the Panasonic AG-AC90 60p AVCHD MTS recordings to iMovie and FCE? Of course! Here luckily we have the Pavtube MTS/M2TS Converter for Mac, which is especially designed for AVCHD MTS files. Additionally, here are several steps on converting AVCHD MTS to AIC MOV for editing in iMovie and FCE. Let;s take a look below:

1. Launch the AVCHD to iMovie/FCE Converter; click "Add" button to import the .mts, .m2ts files you want to work with on the main interface.


2. Then go to the output list and choose the right format. Here we suggest you to select "iMovie/Final Cut Express" and then "Apple InterMedia Codec (AIC) (*.mov)" as output format.


3. Set audio and video profile? Set audio and video profile in your Panasonic AG-AC90 1080p/60p MTS, you will get the output compatible AIC MOV according to your needs for post-production in iMovie adn FCE by clicking the 'Settings' button there. The proper Frame Rate, Bitrate, Size and other settings setted by default to keep high quality of your audio and video.

At last, click the "Convert" icon to start converting Panasonic AG-AC90 1080p/60p MTS to iMovie. As usual, then we just need to transfer files into iMovie, we can enjoy editing the recordings there.

More gudies:
Never miss to get Saving up to $44.1, MXF/MTS/M2TS/MKV/FLV/MOV Converter.etc at Pavtube Bundles Deals!



Sat Apr 25, 2015 6:20 am
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