Specifics to convert BPAVto editable MOV for FCP
Import BPAV Files to Final Cut Pro for Further Editing
Summary: This article helps you to convert BPAV to editable MOV for importing to Final Cut Pro 7 and FCP X with real specifics.
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Q: Is there a simple workflow with specifics to [b]convert BPAV to MOV for Final Cut Pro 7?' I have to re-capture several clips that were shot with Sony XDCAM EX1. I have transfer BPAV folders to HDD drive. When I directly import XDCAM EX files into FCP for editing? The XDcam MP4 gives me the error 'File Error: 1 file recognized, 0 access denied, 1 unknown'. I tried to import XDCAM footage from the BPAV folder that were copied to my external drive using the XDCam Transfer plug-in for Final Cut, but I get another error. 'No Supported Files, XDCAM Transfer could not find any XDCAM compatible files at the location…I have insert SxS card into slot and I also have Clip Brower. But none of them works.
The Anser:
rewrap BPAV file to ProRes MOV for Final Cut Pro X and FCP7
XDCAM Transfer is just re-wrapping the EX1 footage in a QT wrapper that FCP can understand. But many people faild to import BPAV folder to FCP using XDCAM Trasformer and Clip Broser for various issues and a lots of extral works.

When the Transfer is not working, ytou need an BPAV transfer tool to get the EX1 MP4(MPEG-4) and rewrapped MXF and then you can transfer XDCAM clips from BPAV to Pro Res MOV for FCP X or FCP 7. What is really important is to never alter the contents of a BPAV folder in any way as you back it up to whatever machine to keep whole XDCAM Folder structure. The BPAV folder can be moved from your MacBook to the MacPro where you can then do your editing. To edit them in FCP, you can use professional XDCAM EX to
convert BPAV folder directly to MOV at once.
Converting XDCAM MP4/MXF files from BPAV folder to Apple ProRes MOV for FCP X/7

The quick woraround is to use the easy-to-use Aunsoft Video Converter for Mac, which works perfectly on Mavericks (10.9.2), Mountain Lion (10.8), Lion (10.7), Snow Leopard (10.6), Leopard (10.5). It works well and converts flawlessly.
Notes: Official Download:
http://download.pavtube.com/hd-video-co ... _setup.dmgApp Store Download:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pavtube ... 2488?mt=12Cnet Download:
http://download.cnet.com/Pavtube-HD-Vid ... 77786.htmlStep 1: Download and instal this Sony XDCAM Converter to your Mac, and then import XDCAM clips. You can 'Add from folder' to batch convert BPAV folder to ProRes at once. If you want to merge MXF files, just need to check the 'Merge into one' box.
Step 2. Click the format bar, and move mouse cursor to 'Final Cut Pro > Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov)' as output format.

Optional: It's better to set the video frame rate as 30fps, video size as 1920*1080 to keep the best quality for editing in Final Cut Pro if the 60i/30fps is your original frame rate. But if you shoot with 50i/25fps, then 25fps as the frame rate will be your best choice when conversion.
Step 3. Click 'Convert' button to start transcoding XDCAM EX files from BPAV to MOV for Final Cut Pro X or FCP 7 on Mac OS.
After the workflow, you can go to the output folder to find the converted video files. Now you are free to log and
transfer or import/edit Sony BPAV/MPEG4 file in Final Cut Pro X or FCP 7 under Mac without problems
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