Stream/Import WAV Files to FCP X Incompatibility Issues
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Author:  ujinwang3 [ Sat May 09, 2015 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Stream/Import WAV Files to FCP X Incompatibility Issues

Stream/Import WAV Files to FCP X Incompatibility Issues

Summary: I recently did the switch to Yosemite. I now find some WAV files to be no longer readable through FCP X, Preview App, QuickTime, and etc. But, I can open them through VLC, and also Soundtrack Pro." Any good suggestions there we can take to make FCP X read WAV files on Yosemite?


Most computer multimedia programs play music stored in the WAV file format, which has been around since the early days of personal computing. The Mac comes standard with the FCP X program, which recognizes WAV files as well as several other file formats. In this case, why someone there still ask for the answers to smoothly play WAV files on FCP X on Yosemite?

"An FCP X project with this WAV files has already been edited, with multiple cuts (46 to be exact) throughout the 35 minute timeline. The file is still visible on timeline with all cuts but is now silent." "I have a translation track on a WAV file which I previously imported into FCP X and then removed. For some unknown reason to me it will not allow me to reimport it. I've tried both drag and drop and using the "import" menu method. I do not receive any error messages but it does not show up in the events."

It is important to understand the various issues that may come up when dealing with different formats. First of all, a WAV file is basically an audio file for Windows used for storing audio on a PC, similar to the AIFF format used on a Mac. WAV is the main format used on Windows systems for raw and typically uncompressed audio. It can hold compressed audio, but the most common WAV format contains uncompressed audio.

Even though WAV files are compatible with FCP X in some cases, it is best to convert them to an AIFF format. This will save system resources when FCP X plays the audio files. Otherwise, you may encounter dropped frames or an annoying beeping sound even other incompatible issues while FCP X plays your WAV sequence.

So how can we make all WAV files readable flawlessly on FCP X on Yosemite? That's the key point. We here sincerely introduce you the professional audio transcoder- Pavtube Video Converter for Mac, which could also be a strong video converter for any video conversion work. We are glad to tell you how to work this audio transcoder nicely to import WAV files to FCP X on Yosemite with high audio quality preserved.

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How to stream WAV files to FCP X on Yosemite?

Step 1:When you download and install the Mac Video Converter, open the main interface and choose the "Add video" to load your WAV audios in. For the multiple audio clips we can hit the "Add from folder" button.


Step 2:Click the "Format" drop-down list, and choose "Common Audio>>AIFF-Audio Interchange File Format (*.aiff)" as best output format.


Step 3:Click "Settings" button to customize the output video and audio settings by yourself. But if you are not good at it, you'd better use the default parameters, they will ensure you a good balance between file size and image quality basically. You can change the resolution, bit rate, frame rate as you need.

Step 4:Click the "Convert" button under the preview window and the Mac Video Converter starts converting. By the way, you can take a screenshot at your favorite frame.

Conclusion:After converting, you can click the "Open" button to find your converted audio files. Now, you can read WAV files on FCP X without any worries! What are you waiting for? Just go ahead and have a try! Enjoy it!

Further Reading:

2015 Mother's Day is coming! What would you like to send to your mother to make this year's festival unforgettable? A bundle of flowers or a bottle of her favorite perfume as usual? What do you think of the idea of buying a tech-type gift of this year's Mother's Day? To record some precious moments we stay with mother, Pavtube Studio here offers us a big promotion! All video converters we can enjoy a coupon during the celebration!


Promotion Plan A:
On Mother's Day, May 10th, all users can enjoy 40% off discount for all video products in Pavtube Studio! Just write down 'What do you want to say to your mother' under the promotion page is okay!

Promotion Plan B (For all Facebok users):
During May 7th to May 14th, if Facebook users 'Follow' our Pavtube official account and 'Like', all of us can enjoy a big 50% off discountof the strongest tool---Pavtube HD Video Converter for Windows / Mac! With all video conversion works well, this program has a good reputation online.

Source: ... fcp-x.html

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