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 Play AVCHD MTS/M2TS video on Mac OS X El Capitan 
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Post Play AVCHD MTS/M2TS video on Mac OS X El Capitan
Play AVCHD MTS/M2TS video on Mac OS X El Capitan

Summary: In this article, you will get detailed tutorial on how to play AVCHD videos on Mac OS X El Capitan or previous.

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More than ever, Mac is the computer people love to use. And one of the biggest reasons is OS X. It's what makes a Mac a Mac. With OS X, it's simple to do amazing things and delightful to do all the everyday things. OS X El Capitan builds on the groundbreaking features and beautiful design introduced in OS X Yosemite, refining the experience and improving performance in lots of little ways that make a big difference. OS X El Capitan - it takes the Mac experience to new heights.

Have captured lots of video clips with your HD camcorder during a trip, a party or a family get-together? Don't you want to recall the best moments on your mobile device and take them on the go? However, camcorders like Sony, Canon and Panasonic record video in AVCHD MTS/M2TS format. It is a file-based format for the digital recording and playback of high-definition video. Although Apple's new operating system - Mac OS X El Capitan brings new vigor to your Mac computer, you may have to face the roadblock when editing and playing AVCHD MTS/M2TS files on Mac OS X El Capitan.

What's the solution? You'd better convert AVCHD MTS/M2TS files on Mac OS X El Capitan to get rid of some trouble. Here we recommend the best Mac OS X El Capitan MTS/M2TS Converter - Pavtube MTS/M2TS Converter for Mac (review). Whether you want to trim your clips, down to size, add a soundtrack or captions, apply special effects, insert subtitles and etc. on Mac OS X El Capitan, this is an affordable tool can help.

Now download the best MTS/M2TS Converter for Mac OS X El Capitan

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How to convert and play AVCHD MTS/M2TS files on Mac OS X El Capitan?

Step 1: Run the best AVCHD MTS Converter on your the latest Mac OS X El Capitan, and click the "Add video" button to load your original files. You may also directly drag and drop files to application UI for importing files.


Step 2: Click the "Format" bar to get the drop-down menu and you can get the suitable output format from the optimized presets. For example: if you want to edit AVCHD MTS/M2TS files in FCP, you'd better choose "Final Cut Pro>>Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov)".


Here you can select 3D video format in the 3D catalogue.(Learn more>>)


As the new update of Pavtube Mac and Windows products, new features like H.265/HEVC, M3U8 profile as well as MP4, MOV, AVI, MKV, WMV, FLV, MPEG, AIC, DNxHD, etc. can be chosen if you want to enjoy MTS videos on your Mac, HD TV, portable devices, Media Players, QuickTime player, Youtube, Vimeo, or editing MTS on your iMovie, Premiere Pro, Avid, etc. Non-linear editing system.


Step 3: Click "Settings" button to customize the output video and audio settings by yourself. But if you are not good at it, you'd better use the default parameters, they will ensure you a good balance between file size and image quality basically. You can change the resolution, bit rate, frame rate as you need.

Step 4: When everything is ready, click "Convert" to start the AVCHD MTS/M2TS to any formats you want on Mac OS X El Capitan. This Mac MTS/M2TS Converter supports batch conversion so you may load multiple files and convert them at one time. After converting, you can get the generated files by clicking "Open" button.

If you're seeking for a free AVCHD player to play any AVCHD movies or videos on Mac or Windows, 5KPlayer is the best way out.

That's all! Easy enough, right? For Mac OS X El Capitan and other Mac users, QuickTime doesn't support AVCHD format natively. Then Pavtube MTS/M2TS Converter for Mac must be your best solution.

Further Reading:
Fix Choppy Issues When Importing AVCHD Files to FCP
Upload GoPro Videos to Social Media for Sharing
Tricks for Downsizing GoPro Hero 4K Video to 1080p
Can iMovie Edit 60fps HD Videos Smoothly?
XAVC codec workflow with Premiere Pro CC on Mac
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Get MKV Files Play on PS4 With Original Quality Keep
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Why Can't AVI Videos Play on QuickTime Player?
How to Upload iMovie Videos to Facebook Easiy
MXF to FCP X not working on Mac Yosemite? A possible fix!
Import GoPro 4K Video to Final Cut Pro X for Editing
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Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:56 am
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