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 Rip Audio from Blu-rays to MP3 for moving to Samsung phones 
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Post Rip Audio from Blu-rays to MP3 for moving to Samsung phones
Rip Audio from Blu-rays to MP3 for moving to Samsung phones

Summary: If you have no idea on how to convert or rip protected Blu-ray audio to Samsung phones, this article will help you extract audio from Blu-ray for Samsung phones playback successfully, follow this guide below.

Do you have Blu-ray’s that you wanted to convert into other format to make it playable in your Samsung phones? But in some reasons, the transferred Blu-ray movie files could not play well on your player or you just need to the audio for listening, especially you have Blu-rays of the singer's performance you loved. With this requirement, the need for Blu-ray audio conversion is a must.


There are instances where in you will need to rip and extract audio from Blu-ray into Samsung phone supported MP3 file. Due to the Blu-rays are most protected, so you need a useful tool to rip protected Blu-ray to MP3 with ease.

Pavtube BDMagic is exactly the one you need to rip and convert Blu-ray videos to audios, such as MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, M4A, AC3, etc. What'more, you can rip any segment, and set output file size and audio quality. The mac version is BDMagic for Mac. Now let's focus on how to convert Blu-ray to MP3 for playing on Samsung phones with Blu-ray Audio Ripper.

Read Top-ranked 3 Best Blu-ray Ripper for Android review

What's New? If you have problems on how to play iTunes movies or music to your Samsung phones, you can get the Pavtube ChewTune, Now, you can get the Money Saving Boundles: BDMagic($49) + ChewTune($29) = Only $49.9, Save $28.1.

How to extract audio from Blu-Ray Disc to Samsung phones?

Step 1. Load Blu-ray movie

Load your Blu-ray in the Blu-ray drive by clicking "Load file(s)".


Step 2. Choose the needed profile

Click Format bar to open the output format window. In the "Common Audio" category, you'll find Samsung phones supported MP3 audio format, just choose it as the output format.


Note: Before start the conversion, you can edit your Blu-rays first.

Click "Trim" button to set the "Start Time" and "End Time" in order to keep the segments you want and remove the ones unwanted;

Click "Setting..." button and a window will pop up. Then press "Advanced" button to adjust the volume/bitrate/sample rate and change the channel/audio codec, etc;

Step 3. Start the Blu-ray audio ripping

Once you have all the right settings, you would click the Convert button to complete Blu-ray to MP3 conversion process. After conversion, click Open to find the output audio files. Now it would be easy to transfer the converted mp3 files into your Samsung phones for playback.

More related:

Source: Convert Blu-ray audio to Samsung phones

Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:44 am
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