Import Sony PXW-X180 Footage to Avid Media Composer
Import Sony PXW-X180 Footage to Avid Media Composer

To get Avid Media Composer work flawlessly with Sony XDCAM camera files-
MXF, a best way is to convert XDCAM files to Avid DNxHD. Below is a tutorial to convert Sony PWX-X180 MXF to Avid with 3 clicks. Any more
MXF tips you wanna take a reference?
Can Avid Media Composer directly import XDCAM MXF?Although Avid claims that Media Composer after 1.5 support MXF importing. However, when importing and editing MXF files from
Panasonic P2/
Sony XDCAM in Avid, users always encounter video and audio issues, such as audio out of sync. Besides, MXF isn’t the ideal format to maintain quality during complex post production effects processing. Uncompressed HD format delivers superior image quality, but data rates and file sizes will stop a workflow dead in its tracks. Well, Avid DNxHD delivers both efficiency and quality without compromises. So it is a good choice to convert MXF to DNxHD MOV with
Pavtube MXF Converter for Mac.
Sony PXW-X180 ReviewThe PXW-X180 is the first Sony professional camcorder to feature a new variable neutral density (ND) filter. This new device has been developed to electronically control density and enable continuous setting adjustment from 1/4ND to 1/128ND with simple dial operation. Using the filter in conjunction with different iris and shutter speed settings, depth of field and brightness can be adjusted. This allows the use of shooting techniques such as slow shutter shooting as desired in daylight and other bright light conditions. The PXW-X180 records in MPEG HD422 at 50 Mbps, a format widely preferred by broadcasters and production houses today. Thus, MXF recordngs is not suitable wih Avid MC, but also with some other NLEs like
FCP or sharing on
YouTube/Vimeo, etc.
How to Convert XDCAM MXF to Avid DNxHD MOV?Pavtube Trans MXF for Mac-Fast, Clean and Stable
This is an hands-down XDCAM to Avid DNxHD Converter on Mac OS X (Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Leopard/Snow Leopard/Lion/Mountain Lion). With it, you can effortlessly transcode Canon/P2/Sony XDCAM MXF to edit in Avid Media Composer,
Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, iMovie, QuickTime. If you running a PC, please turn to the alternative Windows version -
Pavtube MXF Converter.Step 1: load XDCAM MXF files
Once you run the Sony XDCAM MXF Converter, click "Add Video" button or "Add from folder" button to load your source MXF files. Drag & Drop is available. You can view the videos from the Preview window.
Step 2: Choose output format
Click on "Format", and select output format from the drop-down list. Follow "Avid Media Composer" > Avid DHxHD (*.mov)".
Tips: If the default settings do not fit your needs, you can click "Settings" button to adjust audio and video parameters as you like.
Step 3: Convert XDCAM to Avid DNxHD
Click "Convert" button and the Canon/Panasonic P2/Sony XDCAM MXF files will be converted to Avid DNxHD MOV immediately.
Conclusion: Soon after the conversion, just click "Open" button to get the generated files for
editing in Avid Media Composer perfectly. If you are a good reader, you will be cleared about converting Sony PWX-X180 XDCAM MXF to Avid Media Composer DNxHD MOV.
Further Reading:Never miss to get Saving up to $44.1, MXF/MTS/M2TS/MKV/FLV/MOV Converter.etc at Pavtube
Bundles Deals!

Source from:
http://camcordervideoshare.altervista.o ... dnxhd-mov/