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 Import Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3 
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Post Import Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3
Import Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3

Summary: This guide shows you how to convert/transcode Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF file to Final Cut Pro/Aperture 3 supported files with Pavtube MXF Converter for Mac.

Sony PMW-200 camcorder features a broadcast-friendly 50Mbps data rate drawing from three half-inch CMOS sensors -- bigger than any other broadcast handheld cam, according to Sony -- though that size is still a far cry from its own super-35 filmmaking cams and others on the market.


50Mbps HD422 Recording:
In the UDF/MXF recording mode, you can record Full HD video (1920x1080) at up to 50Mbps using MPEG HD422 compression technology and enjoy the benefits of proven, high-speed and intuitive XDCAM HD422 workflow. With the PMW-200, you can also record video in MPEG HD (420) or DVCAM? format. (Note: Proxy video is not available with the PMW-200).

Import XDCAM MXF recordings to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3
Q: Hi! I was wondering if the FCP 6/7 works with mxf footages natively. Aperture 3 seems not work with these mxf recordings. I have some mxf video from Sony PMW-200 to edit for group work, and it would be great if anyone could help me with the importing workflow. Thanks!

A: If you want to edit Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF in Final Cut Pro 6/7 or Apple Aperture 3, you first need to convert the XDCAM MXF video to compatible format like ProRes 422 codec. This is a common format developed by Apple. Below are some useful tips.

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Solution: Transcode Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3 with Apple ProRes 422 codec

1.Download Pavtube MXF Converter for Mac. This is excellent software which can help you convert Sony PMW-200 XDCAM MXF video to ProRes for FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3. Besides, it supports many other formats for output.


2. Install and launch the Sony XDCAM MXF Converter Mac, import the MXF video from Sony PMW-200.

3.Choose the best output format for Final Cut Pro 6/7 or Aperture 3.

Click on "Format" and choose "Final Cut Pro >>Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov)" format.


4.You can click settings to adjust the output parameters, such as resolution, bitrate and frame rate.

5.You can click edit button to edit MXF video, such as deinterlace, denoise, mute, volume up and crop.

6.Click convert button to start. Sony MXF to ProRes Converter will transcode Sony PMW-200 MXF to Apple ProRes codec MOV format.

After converting, you can import converted video files to FCP 6/7 or Aperture 3 instantly without rendering. More output formats are supported.

Read more:
Good News: Never miss to get Saving up to $44.1, MXF/MTS/M2TS/MKV/FLV/MOV Converter.etc at Pavtube Bundles Deals, such as: HD Video Converter for Mac($35) + DVD Creator for Mac($35) = $39.9, Save $30.1


Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:30 am
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